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Unemployment eligibility for workers

The decision to allow or deny benefits is based on the information provided to us. That’s why it is so important for you as an employer to provide your side of the story in a timely manner.

We review all documentation and fact-finding in the case. Fact-finding is any verbal or written communication with us that relates to the separation, such as phone interviews we conduct and responses to notices we send out.

We then weigh the available information, considering all corresponding state laws (RCW's) and rules (WAC's).

If necessary, we will contact the claimant, the employer or both to get more information. If we contact you and you are not available we will give you at least two business days to respond. If you do not respond we will base our decision on the available information, which is usually the claimant’s statement.

We mail our decision to both the claimant and the employer.

If either disagrees with the decision, either side has the right to appeal to the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), which is an independent state agency. See instructions for filing an appeal below, “Appealing Our Decision”.

Related topics
Request for separation information | What we need from you | Temporary layoffs and standby rules | Appeal an unemployment tax decision |  Employer FAQs - benefit claims process | Employer FAQs - general | Contact information for employers